Investment In Malaysia: When How What To Investing In Malaysia

Investing in Malaysia: The Ultimate Guide


The Malaysian economy is one of the most stable in Southeast Asia, making it an attractive destination for foreign investors. The country offers a pro-business environment, good infrastructure and a skilled workforce. These factors, combined with its strategic location and natural resources, make Malaysia an ideal place to invest.

The manufacturing, agriculture and tourism industries are particularly well suited for investment, due to the high demand for Malaysian products and services globally. To get started investing in Malaysia, foreign investors need to set up a company and apply for investment incentives. It is also important to find the right partners to ensure a successful investment.

Reasons to invest in Malaysia.

Economic stability

The Malaysian economy has been growing steadily for the past few years, averaging at around 5% per year. This makes it one of the most stable economies in Southeast Asia. Additionally, the country has a low unemployment rate of 3.3% and a relatively low inflation rate of 2.6%.

These economic indicators show that Malaysia is a stable and attractive destination for foreign investors. The country's pro-business environment and good infrastructure are also key reasons why investing in Malaysia is a good idea.

Pro-business environment

The Malaysian government is committed to creating a business-friendly environment that is conducive to investment and growth. Numerous incentives and programs have been introduced to attract foreign investors, such as tax holidays, reduced red tape, and liberalized investment rules.

Additionally, the government has set up dedicated agencies to help businesses navigate the regulatory landscape and access financing. These initiatives have helped make Malaysia one of the easiest places to do business in Southeast Asia.

Good infrastructure

Malaysia's well-developed infrastructure is another key reason why investing in the country is a good idea. The transportation network consists of an extensive network of highways, airports, seaports, and railroads that connect all major cities and towns in the country. This provides businesses with easy access to markets and suppliers both within Malaysia and abroad.

Similarly, the telecommunications infrastructure is also highly developed, with mobile penetration rates exceeding 100%. This ensures that businesses can stay connected at all times and take advantage of digital tools and services to drive growth.

The best industries for investment in Malaysia.


The manufacturing sector is one of the most important industries in Malaysia, contributing to about 27% of the country’s GDP. The sector is also a significant employer, with over 2 million people employed in the manufacturing industry.

Malaysia’s manufacturing sector is highly diversified, with strong clusters in electrical and electronics, petrochemicals, machinery and equipment, food and beverages, textile and apparel. The country is also a leading producer of palm oil, rubber and tin.

Malaysia’s manufacturing sector has been growing steadily in recent years, supported by strong domestic and global demand. In 2017, the manufacturing sector recorded a growth of 7.4%, higher than the 6.2% growth in 2016.

There are several reasons why investing in Malaysia’s manufacturing sector is attractive:

- Strong government support: The Malaysian government has been supportive of the development of the manufacturing sector, with various initiatives and policies introduced to promote investment and growth.

- Favourable location: Malaysia is strategically located at the heart of Southeast Asia, making it an ideal base for companies looking to serve this region. Malaysia also has a well-developed infrastructure which makes it easy to set up and operate a business here.

- Competitive cost: Manufacturing costs in Malaysia are relatively lower compared to other countries in the region such as China, making it an attractive destination for companies looking to reduce costs.

- Skilled workforce: There is a large pool of skilled workers available in Malaysia, making it easier for companies to find the right talent for their businesses.

How to get started investing in Malaysia.

Setting up a company

The first step in investing in Malaysia is to set up a company. There are two types of companies that can be registered in Malaysia: private limited companies and public limited companies. To register a private limited company, you will need to submit the following documents to the Registrar of Companies:

-Form 9 (Incorporation Form)

-Memorandum and Articles of Association

-Statutory Declaration by Directors

-Declaration by Promoters

-Notice of Situation of Registered Office

After the company has been registered, you will need to obtain a Business Registration Certificate from the Companies Commission of Malaysia.

Applying for investment incentives

Once your company is registered, you may apply for investment incentives from the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA). MIDA offers a range of tax exemptions and other incentives to encourage foreign investment in Malaysia. To qualify for these incentives, your company must be registered with MIDA and meet certain criteria.

Some of the incentives that may be available to your company include:

-100% income tax exemption for 5 years

-Accelerated capital allowance

-Exemption from import duty on machinery and equipment

To apply for these incentives, you will need to submit an application form along with supporting documents to MIDA.

Finding the right partners

Another important step in investing in Malaysia is finding the right partners. You will need to partner with Malaysian companies or individuals who have experience in doing business in Malaysia and who can help you navigate the local business environment. These partners can help you with everything from setting up your company to applying for investment incentives.


If you're thinking about investing in Malaysia, this guide is for you. We'll explore the reasons why Malaysia is a great place to invest, the best industries for investment, and how to get started.

Malaysia offers investors economic stability, a pro-business environment, and good infrastructure. The manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism industries are particularly attractive for investment.

To get started investing in Malaysia, you'll need to set up a company and apply for investment incentives. It's also important to find the right partners to work with. With careful planning and execution, investing in Malaysia can be a very rewarding experience.